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Charlotte Bolt

Ben Lommi

Need a burst of motivation for your health journey? Meet 21 year old Melbourne man Ben Lommi, who lost an incredible 10 kilos in only a month. Like many of us, Ben returned from holiday with his clothes feeling a little snugger than he would like. He set a goal to lose 10 kilos in a month - and did it. Here, Ben talks to Lifestyle News about how he achieved his goal.

Q: What made you decide to shed the excess kilos? 

A: I started to feel uncomfortable with the way I looked, it really had me down. I saw a picture my girlfriend took of me from the holiday and I just wasn’t happy with how I looked. It made me feel really down.

Q: You lost 10 kilos in a month - how did you do that?

A: I asked my mum for advice. She's a consultant with The 1:1 Diet, so she put me on the program. She assisted me every step of the way - through the dieting process, and then helping me learn how to manage my weight after I reached my goal.

Q: Tell me your typical day's menu when on your health journey.

A: At the start, it was a 1:1 Diet shake for breakfast, and then again at lunch – it’s a lot easier than trying to think of a meal.

At dinner, I would usually have some protein - grilled chicken, fish, meat or eggs - with salad or vegetables. If I was still hungry afterwards, I’d opt for another 1:1 Diet product – usually a shake or bar. I also made sure to drink heaps of water too.

A few weeks in, as I got closer to the end, I started to add more food back in and use less meal replacements. 

It was a super easy, no thought process, and really suited my busy life.

Ben Lommi
Ben holidaying in Europe before his health journey

Q: With many people deciding to lose weight, do you have any advice for them?

A: Don’t let it get out of hand. If you can do something early to prevent putting weight on, that’s the best step, otherwise the weight will just keep creeping up without you even realising.

If you are choosing to lose weight I think it is so important to find someone to support you through the process. They will remind you why you are doing what you’re doing, and keep you accountable as someone to answer to.

The 1:1 Diet was fantastic, it’s all done for you and while you lose weight, you learn how to build healthy habits. I feel so much better, and now know how to eat well.

Q: Any other tips?

A: Remember to enjoy life – birthdays, holidays, festive occasions. If you start not feeling like yourself anymore, don’t wait too long to make change, or the weight creep up on you.

Everyone over indulges from time to time, but with small sacrifices and determination you can always get the weight off.


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