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Karen after her health journey
Karen after her health journey

Meet Karen. She lost 19kgs in just four months and, best of all, got her diabetes under control for the first time in 20 years. Karen, 59, is self-employed and living in Bordertown, South Australia. She recently lost 19kgs by following Dr Michael Mosley’s The Fast 800 Online Program and has never felt better. She admitted she always struggled with her weight, especially since becoming a mother. Here's her story:

"I have been overweight most of my life and I never really lost the weight after having my children, which was 37 years ago.," she said.

Over the years I have found myself yo-yo dieting, losing weight and then putting on more than I originally started with.

I actually dieted my way to being overweight. I found myself going back and forth between different weekly meetings, constantly feeling flat and quite often judged if I didn’t lose the weight I was hoping for.

I had three babies – devastatingly, baby Emily died at full term. All the deliveries were caesarean births, which unfortunately caused a lot of medical issues, resulting in 10 stomach surgeries.

One of those surgeries was a hysterectomy that went wrong and I ended up with a colostomy bag for 6 months. It also sent me straight into menopause, which created a whole new set of symptoms to deal with. It made exercise much more difficult.

Following on from this, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and was put on an ever-increasing selection of medication and meal plans.

Karen, before her health journey

My specialist even wanted me to start injections, which I refused, I hate needles! I found my weight kept climbing as well as my blood sugar levels.

I just couldn’t sustain this lifestyle anymore. I had no energy and felt beyond miserable. My skin, menopause symptoms, migraines and overall health issues were always on my mind. I hated buying clothes and was constantly stressed.

I saw Dr Michael Mosley’s documentary on SBS and decided to take the plunge with The Fast 800 programme, which encouraged me to stay accountable and really 'put my all' into getting my health back on track.

Having had type 2 diabetes for a large portion of my life, I kept in contact with my health professional to ensure my medications were monitored as I started to make my lifestyle changes.

I lost 10kg in the first 4 weeks, then lost more gradually. After four months, I had lost 19kg, which was incredible as I hadn't been able to shift the weight for 30 years.

"I tried my best to stick to everything in the program – the food, the exercises, and even meditation, which I’d never done before but found it surprisingly helpful. Not snacking was hard, but I was determined. I also realised my portion sizes were way too big!

My blood sugar levels came down with the weight. I can now run on my treadmill for the first time in 30 years and I have my diabetes under control for the first time in 20 years.

I am fit and healthy, my sleep has improved, and best of all, I can buy clothes off the rack, not plus size.

I have more confidence, I no longer snack, I drink a lot of water and eat loads of spinach. I can also get on and off the floor easily. I have heaps of energy, so much so that I exercise every day.

If the kilos start creeping up, I now know what to do to get back on track. I re-read the knowledge and look at the Groups within the Community, which inspires me to keep going.

There are ups and downs along the way, but I just keep going forward and reminding myself to celebrate how far I've come. I now have the knowledge of how food affects my BSL’s and my body, and how important drinking water is.

When your mind is ready and you are committed, the good stuff will follow. It has for me."

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